TAGLIATELLE  Bolognese the real recipe with ragout

TAGLIATELLE  -  the recipe

ingredients for 6 people:

Farina 00. gr. 450.
Average measuring eggs, no. 4.

Place the flour on the chopping board, forming a sort of crater in which the white and red four eggs are poured. Mix with a fork until creamy.
Then work the dough with your hands until you get a homogeneous ball. At this point, with the rolling pin, spread the dough until you get a leaf, which will have a surface of cm. 70 x 50 and a thickness of just under one millimeter.

As soon as the degree of moisture allows it, roll the leaf up to form a crumpled wicker wide cm. 8. 

Then proceed to slicing the pasta in equal parts of mm. 6.5 to 7; then rolls the Tagliatella wrapping it in one hand, forming the "nests of pasta".

In the meantime, it will boil the water in a container of about three liters, pouring two tablespoons of salt.
When the water is in the boil, the Noodles will be immersed, keeping them separated by a fork.
After about three minutes, the Tagliatelle, to not drown, will emerge on the surface.
At this point, with half a glass of water, you have to break the boil and then pour the tagliatelle, which will have reached the size of 8 mm., In the colander to drain them and pass them into a bowl to season them with the famous Ragù Bolognese.

Curiosity about the Tagliatelle

The measure of Bolognese noodles has been decreed: 

  in 8 mm. (cooked), ie 6.5 to 7 mm. that raw
(any other measure would lose its particular character)
which corresponds 
to the 12,270th part of the height of the Torre Asinelli of Bologna!

The size of the Tagliatella was reproduced in a gold standard, enclosed in a casket, with the inscription

"8 mm - Tagliatella's measure - Italian Kitchen Academy -1972"

jealously preserved to witness and protect the glorious traditions of Bolognese cuisine.

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